
September 2024

That’s it! I’m beaten! I give up!

About a week ago, I asked readers to show their support for the work I’ve put in over the last 5+ years running and writing this site.

All I wanted was for some readers to buy copies (either paperback or Kindle) of my latest book FORGET THE FOREPLAY. I don’t care if people read it, send it to their worst enemy or use it as firelighter for their trendy wood-burning stoves come the winter. I just wanted readers to buy a few copies to support my work.

The reason – if I could just get 10 to 15 people a day buying the book for the next week or so, that would push the book up the rankings and maybe lead to a few more copies being sold. Or maybe not? Who knows? But it was worth a try. At least that’s what I (mistakenly) thought.

So, what was my readers’ response? Only 4 or maybe 5 readers showed support. Given how many people still read this blog, that response is embarrassingly pathetic.

Given that, I’ve decided to throw my toys out of the pram and go on strike.

When 50 copies of my book are sold, I’ll start blogging again. If I can’t reach 50 copies, then none of us loses anything. In fact, I’ll gain one to two hours a day and my former readers will lose a website they don’t value anyway.

Meanwhile, as anyone of a cynical disposition might believe that we’re slowly but surely drifting towards civil war in England, here’s some top secret film I’ve found of our friends from the Religion of Love and Tolerance preparing their fun night out on London Bridge:

9 comments to That’s it! I’m beaten! I give up!

  • I’ve added a link to your book in our sidebar. I doubt the purchases will rain in but you might get a few, especially if you join in the comments and ask people 😉

  • Libtard

    Why don’t you just admit it.
    You’re here to make money.
    As such, you thrive on peddling Fear & Hate.

    If you really had something worth writing about, you wouldn’t be charging people for it. That’s how I led my life, feeding the public domain. Until the public became too narcissistic and interested in other things to bother caring.

  • Joe Kinnear

    Libtard, I don’t know about the money but peddling fear and hate? I don’t think so.
    You need to wake up.

  • Longbow

    I could not risk losing my favourite blog spot so I have ordered a copy accordingly.

  • Baroness Bonkers

    Me too. I had to buy another book to get free delivery and that is a gripping tale of trillions of microbes in my gut that influence my mood. Must be a metaphor there somewhere.

  • Libtard

    And if I were a gambler, I’d put money on at least two of the above responses being from false people, if you take my meaning…

    I’m hanging out here because I’m waiting for you to post something solid and substantial.
    Such as a Solution to the “Muslim invasion” that’s workable and can actually be implemented.
    Until that day comes, I only see you as a whiner, no different than the elite pricks who piss all their money away for quick thrills and then complain, complain; Complain against, well, the government, the president, god, the devil, Immigrants, the 1%ers, Wall Street Bankers–anyone or anything but themselves.
    In any case, nothing happens and nothing gets done.
    But you generate clicks and that makes money for you. That’s the whole point, isn’t it.
    Just keep everyone frightened and running around–and clicking on your website articles.

  • David Craig

    Quite honestly, I don’t think anyone really cares who you are, what you do, what you ‘think’ (I’m being polite using the word ‘think’) or why you bother writing you rubbish here.

  • Baroness Bonkers


    Go boil your head. I am not a false person -if you know what I mean. Go away.

  • zx80

    June 21, 2017 at 9:40 am

    And if I were a gambler, I’d put money on at least two of the above responses being from false people, if you take my meaning…

    [i]Care to offer any proof of that assertion Libby? Or are you just going to slide off quietly when people like you get found out?[/i]

    I’m hanging out here because I’m waiting for you to post something solid and substantial.

    [i]Well we tried to post a picture of your mother, Shes solid and substantial. but the server crashed. [/i]

    Such as a Solution to the “Muslim invasion” that’s workable and can actually be implemented.

    [i]How about first getting a handle on immigration numbers? Or is that too sensible Libby?
    You could do that by halting immigration for a period of time to allow the backlog of illegals and foreign illegal criminals already here to be dealt with, ie deported before implementing a strict policy of one in one out based on skills, language, ability to fit in etc, seems easy enough to me only people like you with your superior sense of self entitlement and morality keep making excuses why we cant.[/i]

    Until that day comes, I only see you as a whiner, no different than the elite pricks who piss all their money away for quick thrills and then complain, complain; Complain against, well, the government, the president, god, the devil, Immigrants, the 1%ers, Wall Street Bankers–anyone or anything but themselves.
    In any case, nothing happens and nothing gets done.
    But you generate clicks and that makes money for you. That’s the whole point, isn’t it.
    Just keep everyone frightened and running around–and clicking on your website articles.

    [i] Christ on a bike. Get some counselling[/i]

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