
October 2024

Do you know how many innocents have been slaughtered for religious reasons in the last 10 days?

Do you know how many innocent people have been slaughtered in the last 10 days by the Religion of Tolerance, Hatred and Peace?

What do you think? Ten? Fifty? One hundred? Come on, take a guess.

The answer is at least 301 killed and another 472 injured.

That’s quite a lot of dead and injured people – 30 a day killed and 47 a day injured. And some of the deaths weren’t particularly pleasant.

But if you rely the mainstream media for your news, you probably wouldn’t know anything about these 301 innocents killed and 472 injured in just 10 days. After all, the BBC and Channel 4 and the main newspapers wouldn’t want us to get the wrong impression about the Religion of Tolerance, Hatred and Peace.

And so, unseen by 99.9999999999999% of people in the West, the religiously-inspired slaughter continues.

Meanwhile over here the progressive, holier-than-thou, virtue-signalling libtards tell us that only neanderthal racists and bigots are afraid of the Religion of Tolerance, Hatred and Peace’s invasion and takeover of Europe.

I wonder how many millions will be killed when civil war breaks out across Europe?

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2017.03.17 Yemen Marib 34 0 Shiite rebels fire two rockets into a Sunni mosque, killing thirty-four during Friday prayers.
2017.03.15 Iraq Tikrit 11 41 Religion of Peace advocates set off a car bomb along a street packed with medical clinics.
2017.03.15 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 16 Four female suicide bombers kill two people in a residential area.
2017.03.15 Syria Damascus 31 102 Thirty-one innocents at a courthouse are reduced to bloody pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.03.14 Iraq Hawija 9 0 Children are among nine Iraqis burned alive for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.03.13 Somalia Mogadishu 13 14 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates in front of a hotel, claiming thirteen innocents.
2017.03.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 19 A woman loses her life when Taliban bombers target a bus carrying telecom workers.
2017.03.13 Bangladesh Dinajpur 2 0 A Sufi leader and his teen daughter are hacked to death by Sunni fundamentalists.
2017.03.12 Syria Daraa 1 3 Jabhat al-Nusra members murder a civilian.
2017.03.12 Tunisia Kebili 1 3 An imam is among four radicals who ambush a police car, killing one member.
2017.03.11 Nigeria Mkgovur 10 3 Fulani terrorists raid a village, hacking and shooting innocent people.
2017.03.11 Syria Damascus 74 120 A suicide bombing is one of two blasts targeting and killing over seventy Shiites.
2017.03.11 Afghanistan Nawshar 8 0 A religious extremist poisons, then shoots eight local cops.
2017.03.10 Iraq Wadi Hajar 18 43 ISIS unleashes a vicious rocket bombardment on a residential neighborhood, taking out over eighteen civilians.
2017.03.09 Thailand Muang 1 0 A man on a motorcycle is ambushed and killed by Muslim terrorists.
2017.03.09 Iraq Tajiyat 1 3 A civilian is disassembled by Jihadi bombers.
2017.03.08 Afghanistan Kabul 50 63 Following a suicide blast, fifty people at a hospital are massacred by Islamic gunmen disguised as doctors.
2017.03.08 Kenya Lamu 1 5 Islamists kill a Kenyan border guard with an IED.
2017.03.08 Iraq Hajjaj 30 26 Dozens of people at a wedding party are shredded by two suicide bombers.
2017.03.08 Pakistan Baba Kot 1 0 A Hindu woman is hacked to death with an axe.
2017.03.08 Egypt al-Arish 2 4 A fundamentalist bomb blast at a checkpoint claims the life of two policemen

5 comments to Do you know how many innocents have been slaughtered for religious reasons in the last 10 days?

  • NoMore

    In the eyes of the perpetrators none were innocent as they weren’t following their version of the false prophet’s rantings.

  • david brown

    A degree of topic- Turkish President Erdogan called on Muslim Turks in Europe to have at least five children as they are Europe’s future.
    Englands future – well under the age of five one child in eight is Muslim .

  • Jack Strawman

    Sweden is finished, Denmark too?

    Is Denmark On The Brink?

    “Communism was a Western idea and it was imposed on Russia, they did not create it. And it did not die with the collapse of the Soviet Union. On the contrary, it is still very much alive and roaming around our continent. While it operates differently, the goals are not too dissimilar. The version we have spreading across the West is Cultural Marxism.

    We no longer have families, religion, even genders. In Sweden now they have invented a gender neutral term to address little boys and girls at kindergarten. This is a complete change from traditional Western values that have kept Europe safe from outside invasion for centuries. And this is now gone. ”

    UK is just as bad…
    You cant have Open Borders and a Welfare State for long, bye bye NHS., pensions,etc. Third World here we come…

  • Jack Strawman

    Western War Mongers..

    House Democrat Warns Nuclear War With Russia “Real Possibility”

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