
October 2024

How does a 25-year old Iranian rapist get away with claiming to be a child refugee?

When you’re a member of Merkel’s invading M*sl*m millions, a classic trick is to claim you’re under sixteen years old. This has two benefits. Firstly, it greatly improves your chances of being allowed to stay in Europe and live off crime and state handouts for the rest of your life. And secondly, it brings you into contact with other supposed and real children and thus gives you access to under-age girls you can rape whenever you want while the authorities desperately try to look the other way so they don’t offend you and your wonderful culture.

So, here’s a charming story of our times from Germany where the Germans have mysteriously suddenly discovered that two ‘child’ migrants arrested in January after a 12-year-old girl was forced to perform sex acts with them are now thought to be adults at least 21 years of age.

The two men who have not been named but are reported to be Iranian citizens were officially 15 and 16-years-old at the time of their arrest four weeks ago. One of the men has now been proved to be “at least 21 years old” through dental examinations, while the second is also thought to be an adult.

(But hold on a minute. If the men were Iranian citizens, what the f*** were they doing in a refugee centre anyway? Iran is not at war with anyone – yet. These filthy M*sl*m scumbags should have been thrown out of Germany as soon as they arrived. Why were they, and hundreds of thousands like them, even allowed more than 24 hours in Germany?)

The men were admitted to a children’s migrant aid centre when they arrived in Dusseldorf last year after they had managed to fool the German government over their true age. Once in the centre they were allowed into the classroom alongside other children from Dusseldorf, and they were able there to gain access to the much younger girl.

She was “compelled and forced into sexual acts” over the course of some days, said the prosecutor. Germany’s Express reports that a six year old boy who discovered that the girl was being abused was threatened with having his throat cut for telling on the pair.

At the time of their arrest the abuse had been established after the girl had given testimony and she had undergone a gynaecological investigation, a doctor giving his professional opinion. The girl was moved for “protection” to another facility outside of the city.

The authority responsible for the accommodation and facility have blamed severe overcrowding for the events that allowed the men to attack the girl, with report stating the city child protection centre is “bursting at the seams”. Chief officer for youth services John Horn said of the attack that children are normally segregated by age and sex, but are able to mingle in “common spaces”.

After these M*sl*m garbage had been doing a bit of raping, it seems to have been rather easy to prove they were adults. It seems a pity that nobody thought of checking their real age before they were let loose on vulnerable under-age girls.

Sweden has, I think, about 35,000 of these scum all claiming to be ‘children’. Once they get their Swedish residency and demand their human rights that their two or three wives and five to ten children join them in Sweden, will anyone start to question whether they really were ‘children’ when they arrived in Sweden? No. Probably not. I thought so. We wouldn’t want to be *sl*mophobic and offend them, would we?

Osama Bin Laden must be kicking himself as he realises he could have conquered cowardly Europe without a shot being fired or a bomb being exploded. Merkel’s M*sl*m millions will overwhelm us and start the great European civil war that will destroy European civilisation.

4 comments to How does a 25-year old Iranian rapist get away with claiming to be a child refugee?

  • John Fields

    This is a story to make you weep. But the best is still to come. What about when
    Adolf Merkel welcomes 85 million Turkish Muslims to join the party of rape and mayhem?

  • Freedom

    Apologies,Sorry to talk about another injustice on this thread but we really must put the EU wonderland Myth out of its misery while we can .

    Striking Admission By Former Bank Of England Head: The European Depression Was A “Deliberate” Act.

    As the Telegraph reports today, according to the former head of the Bank of England Europe’s economic depression “is the result of “deliberate” policy choices made by EU elites. Mervyn King continued his scathing assault on Europe’s economic and monetary union, having predicted the beleaguered currency zone will need to be dismantled to free its weakest members from unremitting austerity and record levels of unemployment.

    King also said he could never have envisaged an economic collapse of the depths of the 1930s returning to Europe’s shores in the modern age. But, he added, the fate of Greece since 2009 – which has suffered a contraction eclipsing the US depression in the inter-war years – was an “appalling” example of economic policy failure, he told an audience at the London School of Economics.

    “I never imagined that we would ever again in an industrialised country have a depression deeper than the United States experienced in the 1930s and that’s what’s happened in Greece.

    Lord King – who spent a decade fighting the worst financial crisis in history at the Bank of England – has said the weakest eurozone members face little choice but to return to their national currencies as “the only way to plot a route back to economic growth and full employment”.

    But the biggest question about Europe’s depression has always been whether it was the result of sheer stupidity and poor economic decisions or deliberate. King’s answer was stunning: “it is appalling and it has happened almost as a deliberate act of policy which makes it even worse”.

    The reason this statement is profound, is because it validates what “that” 2008 AIG report predicted long ago, and certainly years before the European crisis was unleashed, namely that Europe would specifically create a financial crisis (as well as an environmental crisis, as well as terrorism) in order to fortify “Empire Europe.”

    Recall what then-AIG Banque’s strategist Bernard Connolly said in response to the rhetorical question of “What Europe wants”

    To use global issues as excuses to extend its power:

    environmental issues: increase control over member countries; advance idea of global governance
    terrorism: use excuse for greater control over police and judicial issues; increase extent of surveillance
    global financial crisis: kill two birds (free market; Anglo-Saxon economies) with one stone (Europe-wide regulator; attempts at global financial governance)
    EMU: create a crisis to force introduction of “European economic government”

    The tragedy for Europe is that it has all panned out just as Europe’s unelected, ruling oligarchy as expected, and while we should congratulate Brussels which has managed to not only preserve but solidify its power, it now rules over a decaying, economically insolvent continent, with an entire generation left unemployed, with millions of refugees scrambling to get in, and with Europe’s cultural “integration” back to levels not seen in decades.

    And whereas before we could speculate that all of this had been at most a chance occurrence, we now
    know better: it was premeditated from day one.


    So remember this you UK students that want to vote to stay in EU wonderland, now in Greece Students are doing it for 2 Euros a go to get enough to buy a burger for their next meal.Vote to stay in the EU if you want , you can join them in their work.

  • Tony Potts

    Striking Admission By Former Bank Of England Head: The European Depression Was A “Deliberate” Act

    “I never imagined that we would ever again in an industrialised country have a depression deeper than the United States experienced in the 1930s and that’s what’s happened in Greece.

    Lord King – who spent a decade fighting the worst financial crisis in history at the Bank of England – has said the weakest eurozone members face little choice but to return to their national currencies as “the only way to plot a route back to economic growth and full employment”.

    But the biggest question about Europe’s depression has always been whether it was the result of sheer stupidity and poor economic decisions or deliberate. King’s answer was stunning: “it is appalling and it has happened almost as a deliberate act of policy which makes it even worse”.

    The reason this statement is profound, is because it validates what “that” 2008 AIG report predicted long ago, and certainly years before the European crisis was unleashed, namely that Europe would specifically create a financial crisis (as well as an environmental crisis, as well as terrorism) in order to fortify “Empire Europe.”

    Recall what then-AIG Banque’s strategist Bernard Connolly said in response to the rhetorical question of “What Europe wants”

    To use global issues as excuses to extend its power:

    environmental issues: increase control over member countries; advance idea of global governance
    terrorism: use excuse for greater control over police and judicial issues; increase extent of surveillance
    global financial crisis: kill two birds (free market; Anglo-Saxon economies) with one stone (Europe-wide regulator; attempts at global financial governance)
    EMU: create a crisis to force introduction of “European economic government”

    The tragedy for Europe is that it has all panned out just as Europe’s unelected, ruling oligarchy as expected, and while we should congratulate Brussels which has managed to not only preserve but solidify its power, it now rules over a decaying, economically insolvent continent, with an entire generation left unemployed, with millions of refugees scrambling to get in, and with Europe’s cultural “integration” back to levels not seen in decades.

    And whereas before we could speculate that all of this had been at most a chance occurrence, we now know better: it was premeditated from day one.

  • Brillo

    Take a look at the video David.

    How Do Syrian Women Feel about the Men Leaving for Europe as Refugees?

    Check out this video on YouTube:

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