
July 2024

EU – why we shouldn’t stay shackled to a drowning man

Up to the EU ‘in/out’ referendum and beyond, we’re going to be subjected to a lot of heat and noise by the ‘inners’ and ‘outers’ as they both push their case. There will be plenty of lies and dodgy statistics, but it’s unlikely we’ll get any reliable facts. So, I’ll try, in 600 words, to explain why it was right to join the EU in 1973 and why it’s right to leave now.

It was right to join

By the early 1970s, Britain was famously the ‘sick man of Europe’. We’d lost our empire and were in a state of severe decline. Joining the six countries in the Common Market in 1973 along with Ireland and Denmark gave us, as an English-speaking country, a unique opportunity – to become the destination of choice for US and Japanese companies wishing to operate within the Common Market. Hence many US firms and companies like Honda and Nissan set up manufacturing bases here. We were their bridgehead into Europe.

Of course, we were lied to about the real nature of the Common Market. Our rulers claimed we were joining a trading block, while they knew all along that it was a political project: “ever closer union” meant stamping out national differences to create a single European superstate to supposedly rival the US.

‘Outers’ can, of course, point to Norway and Switzerland to argue that Britain could have thrived outside the EU. Possibly. But what’s done is done. Our task now is to look forward and decide what’s in our best interests – staying in or leaving?

It’s right to leave

There are many reasons for leaving. Perhaps these are the most important three?

1. Little to no influence When we joined in 1973, there were just nine countries. As one of the largest members, Britain had considerable influence (although we usually failed to use this effectively). Now with 28 countries (a number likely to grow as the EU tries to expand in Putin’s back yard), Britain has negligible influence. In fact, with the removal of the national veto, we will always be outvoted, often by countries (Romania, Bulgaria) which are little more than mafia fiefdoms

2. Loss of sovereignty Any country that cannot make its own laws, has no influence over its own agriculture, fishing and labour laws and has no control of its borders is no longer an independent country. Many EU countries (Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal) have been so incompetently and corruptly ruled for so long, that for them membership of the undemocratic, wasteful, corrupt EU is a huge improvement on what happened when they were independent countries. But Britain has a long history of being a free nation that brought democracy to the world. Hundreds of thousands have died to preserve that freedom. Today’s political pygmies have no right to give that freedom away and hand over our country to German rule

3. The EU is the past, the rest of the world is the future The EU’s share of world GDP is collapsing. In 1980, the 28 countries that now make up the EU accounted for 30.3% of world GDP. By 2020 this is forecast to fall to just 15.4% or less:

EU part of world GDP

Slow growth, over-regulation, incompetent leadership are suffocating the EU while the rest of the world rushes ahead. The EU is fast becoming an economic irrelevance.

Moreover, the share of our exports going to EU countries has dropped from 52% in 2003 to 44% and will keep on falling.

Conclusion – It’s time to go

We should let the EU blunder ahead with its ghastly project of creating a United States of Europe (while actually creating a EUSSR). Let them commit economic and political suicide as they use mass immigration, stifling controls on free speech and economic blackmail to force the rest of Europe under German and French control. But we should break free of this increasingly oppressive and outdated horror and build a new future out in the world.

We can survive and thrive without the EU.

But a more interesting question is – can the EU survive and thrive without us?

8 comments to EU – why we shouldn’t stay shackled to a drowning man

  • NoMore

    Nice summation. I’m thinking 95% of the lies will be coming from the In crowd.

  • tony potts

    This from December 2012, a reminder of what happened, although I have no doubt what soever that Cameron’s talk about a re-negotiation of our EU membership is just a Red Herring, he is a Europhile through and through determined to shackle us for ever and to all that entails making us just a part of the resultant borderless, cultureless,identityless mass of EU Serfdom.


    Monumental deceit: How our politicians have lied and lied about the true purpose of the European behemoth.

    Forty years ago today, in what was arguably the most fateful political move ever made by a British Prime Minister, Edward Heath took us into what was then called the ‘Common Market’.
    Such a step had scarcely been mentioned at the previous General Election, and the British people had very little idea of what they were letting themselves in for, other than a trading arrangement that might make it easier for us to sell our goods to our Continental neighbours.
    Four decades later, the picture could scarcely look more different. We have seen that supposedly cosy club we joined transformed, step by step, into a vast, bloated bureaucratic empire, imposing its suffocating rule over 27 nations.
    We have also seen it plunged into the most destructive crisis in its history — one it has brought entirely on itself by its reckless dream of locking the countries of Europe together into the straitjacket of the euro.

    The real problem the British people have had with the ‘European project’, as its insiders call it, is that they have never really begun to understand its real nature, and what was always intended to be its ultimate goal.
    The chief reason for this is that our politicians have never properly explained it to us.
    What makes this so much worse is that those who were most enthused by it, such as Heath, knew full well what ‘the project’ was really about — the plan to weld all Europe together under an unprecedented form of super-government.

    The real story, surprisingly, goes back to the 1920s, when a senior League of Nations official, Frenchman Jean Monnet, first began to dream of building a ‘United States of Europe’, very much on the lines that decades later would shape the European Union as it is today.
    After World War II, Monnet, by then the second most powerful man in France, finally set the project on its way. He knew there was no chance of bringing such an astonishingly ambitious vision into being all at once. So his plan was that it should gradually be constructed, piece by stealthy piece, without ever declaring too openly what was intended to be its ultimate goal.
    At first it should be presented as just a trading arrangement, the ‘Common Market’ set up in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome. But the essence of that treaty was to create the core institutions of what Monnet always intended should one day be the ‘Government of Europe’.
    Frenchman Jean Monnet first began to dream of building a ‘United States of Europe’
    Frenchman Jean Monnet first began to dream of building a ‘United States of Europe’
    The idea was to work for ‘ever closer union’.
    Treaty by treaty, it would take over more powers from national governments, based on the sacred principle that once power to make laws was handed over to Brussels it could never be given back.
    Ever more countries would be brought into the net, until the project reached its ultimate goal as a super-government, with its own president and parliament, its own currency and armed forces, its own flag and anthem — all the attributes of a fully-fledged nation state.
    Thus, stealthily assembled over decades, would this new ‘country called Europe’ finally take its place on the world stage. What we found most shocking in researching this story was that, when Britain’s leaders first considered joining the project, they were made fully aware of this hidden agenda.
    As we see from Cabinet papers and other documents of the early Sixties, Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and his ‘Europe Minister’ Edward Heath were put completely in the picture about the secret ‘grand plan’. But in June 1961 the Cabinet formally agreed that it must not be revealed to the British people.

    Common Market= EEC=EC=EU

    Those Asian countries that are being tempted by the US into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)should observe our experience and learn from it.
    Also the EU is already planning further binding serfdom by next introducing us to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

    Any country can freely trade with any other without ANY binding trade agreements, they are not necessary and actually fly in the face of what they purport to support. By not binding your country you are free to trade with who you want when you want for your own countries best interests. Of course the US puppet string pullers are busy buying the Politicians and leaders in said Countries favour as they have done in the US itself that has resulted in the mess America is in today with its monumental Debt (as we have too ) and no way out other than to reach out and take others down with them.

  • tony potts

    If the arrogant self serving elite that run Europe today really think that inviting mass immigration and an alien Religion/System that is totally intolerant of others or any of their rights and freedoms in their own countries then they are probably right in that they will enable the servitude of the nations of Europe and or the consequences of their actions. The nation states will be destroyed as intended. But where they are mistaken is that once they have enabled this Alien culture to take over they will be powerless themselves as they will simply be rejected and removed. I have no doubt that when this happens they will fly to their readily prepared bolt holes or Ivory Towers elsewhere in the world, I believe New Zealand is the current favourite.
    You see history has examples of what is to come,there is nothing new in the world.As for the most recent example as unbelievable as this might sound, its consequences were less far reaching then,in that the country concerned did survive and recover from the devastation it endured as a consequence of the elite enabling a leader they thought they could control in Germany in the 1930s. You see some people never learn.

  • tony potts

    Sky says today:-

    Migrant Crisis To Dominate Summit Of EU Leaders
    Politicians have been warned “noble words” need to be backed up by “concrete actions” as they gather in Brussels.

    Europes EU leaders meet in Brussels today to discuss migrants. Talk about the ‘Horse has already bolted’ what an understatement.

    The number of Muslims in Brussels—where roughly half of the number of Muslims in Belgium currently live—has reached 300,000, which means that the self-styled “Capital of Europe” is now one of the most Islamic cities in Europe.

    In 2013, Muslims made up approximately 26% of the population of metropolitan Brussels, followed by Rotterdam (25%), Amsterdam (24%), Antwerp (17%), The Hague (14%) and Utrecht (13%), according to a panoply of research.

  • MGJ

    I was too young at the time to remember the mood of the country or what was promised when we entered. However looking now at the early treaties it seems pretty obvious what the intentions were and if the people were misinformed then, I fear that things are far worse now. No matter how effective the NO campaign is, a combination of powerful interest groups along with the ‘better the devil you know’ play-it-safe attitude from those who never learned how to think, I can only see this strengthening the EU grip once we inevitably vote to stay in.

    It seems to be a depressing fact that humans will die in their droves to gain freedom then, once they have a measure of it, they cannot wait to be rid of it.

  • david brown

    Does the EU have a plan to actually increase its Muslim population by admitting Turkey in to the EU.

  • tony potts

    david brown,

    Its not a new idea,these plans have been rife a long time.

    “The stalling of US and UK ambitions for Turkey to become a member of the EU during December 2006 has presented a challenge for Tony Blair during his sunset period as British Prime Minister. However , he appears to have been successful in keeping Turkey’s application on track during December 2006.”

  • tony potts

    Where your boss will be come the revolution: ‘Boltholes with airstrips’ in New Zealand that are being bought by world’s super-rich who want a hideout in case of ‘civil uprising’

    Global leaders at Davos hinted they would want an escape route if the poor rose up against the growing super-rich.

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