
December 2024

It’s not just our economy, but our civilisation, our rulers are destroying

Probably like most people, I have spent much of my life just trying to earn a living. So I’ve never had much time to think about how we are ruled and what drives our rulers. But since I was blacklisted by the management consultancy industry about ten years ago for writing two whistle-blowing books – RIP-OFF! and PLUNDERING THE PUBLIC SECTOR – I’ve had time to explore how badly we are governed and why we are so badly governed. Hence my books like SQUANDERED How Gordon Brown is wasting over one trillion pounds of our money and GREED UNLIMITED: How David Cameron protects the elites while squeezing the rest of us.

These books along with my other books – THE GREAT EUROPEAN RIP-OFF and FLEECED try to show how our rulers’ completely mistaken assumptions about how economies work led to the 2008 financial crash and will lead to the coming sovereign debt crisis.

But more recently, I’ve realised that our misguided rulers are on the road to destroying, not just our economy, but our whole civilisation. This is not because of some mad NWO Bilderberg conspiracy or because they’re really lizards from outer space in disguise. It’s because our rulers believe in completely different assumptions to the rest of us.

Today, I thought it might be useful to briefly try to expose three of the main assumptions our rulers believe (which will lead to the destruction of our civilisation) and suggest why these assumptions are wrong:

Assumption 1: Nation states have been responsible for past catastrophic wars. If nation states can be replaced by transnational organisations like the EU superstate, there will be no more wars

Reality 1: It was not nation states, but the arrogance, supremacism and brutality of Germany and Japan which caused the two worst wars in human history. Most people need to identify with a recognisable community like a country and will never agree to be ruled by the corrupt, bureaucratic, undemocratic transnational institutions our rulers are so keen to impose on us. Just as the Soviet Union collapsed, so will eventually the EU – the sooner the better

Assumption 2: With its birth-rate below replacement levels and its declining population, Western Europe needs to import workers so there are sufficient wage earners to support the growing number of retirees

Reality 2: Technology and automation are hugely increasing worker productivity and mean that fewer workers will be needed in the future to support the retired generation. Moreover, as older people are healthier than before, many are choosing to work into their late sixties and even their seventies to avoid the boredom of up to 30 years retirement. Furthermore (see Assumption 3), many of the people being imported are culturally, intellectually and socially completely incapable of doing the jobs for which they are being imported

Assumption 3: People across the world are fairly similar and want the same things – peace, jobs, democracy, freedom and rewarding lives

Reality 3: People are not similar. There is, for example, a massive gulf between the IQ levels of Northern (non-M*sl*M) Asia and the West compared to M*sl*m Asia, the Middle East and Africa due to many reasons including the prevalence of first-cousin marriages in areas with lower IQs.

There is also a huge cultural and social chasm between the non-M*sl*m world and the M*sl*m world. Those in the non-M*sl*m world mostly do want the same things – peace, jobs, democracy, freedom and rewarding lives. But just like the Germans and the Japanese in the 20th century, today’s 21st century M*sl*ms believe they are racially superior to all other people and that they have been chosen to dominate non-M*sl*ms – Kaffirs (who are subhuman and whose lives are therefore worth little to nothing compared to the lives of Believers). Moreover, just like the Germans and Japanese in the 20th century, our supremacist M*sl*m friends see bombs, beheadings, bullets and babies as the way to take over the world.

Our leaders’ ludicrously enthusiastic support for the supposed ‘Arab Spring’ (which predictably turned into the *sl*mic Nightmare) was perhaps the one of the most monumental mistakes in history.

Conclusion: Our rulers are leading us to disaster, not as part of some great tin-foil-hat conspiracy, but because they have a set of beliefs about the world which are totally misguided. Moreover, much of the media shares the misguided beliefs of the ruling elites and so anyone who expresses doubts about the coming destruction of our civilisation is immediately branded bad, mad, deluded, racist, or worse.

It will be interesting to see if we can stop our rulers’ rush into catastrophe before it’s too late.

supremacist 2

supremacist 1

supremacist 3

8 comments to It’s not just our economy, but our civilisation, our rulers are destroying

  • mark glen

    If anyone was wondering why the Mainstream Press does not report the truth and colludes in cover-ups for outright Injustice and Mass Rapes then this as we see is not a new phenomenon. As we see below a Quote from John Swinton.

    The remarks were apparently made by Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, probably one night in 1880. Swinton was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying:

    There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

    There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

    There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

    There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.
    The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?

    We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.

  • MGJ

    I think I agree with your conclusions but disagree a little with some of your reasoning.

    Aggression against foreigners requires aggression against a nation’s own citizens first, by way of taxation, fiat money, conscription, propaganda, brain-washing, corruption, crony-ism etc. – and that’s just the democracies! – so I don’t see them as benign in this respect. I do however agree that an EU super-state would be even worse if it ever managed to acquire a military that wasn’t a laughing stock. Meanwhile its stop-gap is of course total surrender.

    Later you equate *sl*m with Nazi evil, which is too polite. In comparison to *sl*m’s doctrines (as stated and demonstrated), the Nazis were half-hearted and unimaginative. People may say ‘oh come on, that’s not mainstream’ but as Brigitte Gabriel so eloquently stated on YouTube, until we get regular one million m*sl*m demonstrations on the streets to reject this stuff then the ‘moderates’ are simply irrelevant.

  • Chris

    I think assumption 1 is only what is propagandised to get some politicians on board. As far as I can see, no one in Europe even wants war, at least not on traditional lines.
    What is happening is that we are being turned into powerless consumers. Germany dominates now and (courtesy of being in gthe Euro)profits from sales of engineering products. Despite its healthy economy the UK pays for, and provide, Europe’s defence. Notably Trident.
    In my view these imbalances are frontlines in a new type of economic war not mentioned in the public domain. The non German part of the EU is becoming subservient and increasingly indebted because of our lack of indigenous wealth creating industries.
    To maintain homeland consuming, EU/USA wars are fought elsewhere where there are endless numbers of powerless victims conveniently dressed up as a domestic threat whaiul also keeps the likes of BAE and Raytheon in healthy profits.

    So despite all the bombing of ISIS by the RAF, USAF etc it took only days for the Russians to rout them. Doesnt’ that expose the UK/USA real agenda. i.e keep poking the wasps nest but don’t destroy it, otherwise the media cannot run the daily ‘fear’ headline. The weapons industry, the security industry, politicians need the war on te–or. That way we keep consuming and we do what we are told

  • david brown

    there is the cock up theory of history and conspiracy theory / World War 1 was a combination of both.
    Communism was by its nature always a conspiracy to take power from those who had it and steal other peoples property.
    I think there was a plan to fragment Iraq, Libya and Syria and its also helped facilitate more mass immigration into Western Europe. This is a clear conspiracy to change the identity by mass immigration the identity of France, England, Sweden , Germany and so on.

  • mark glen

    Chris, you say Germany dominates now!

    Its amazing what Anti Nuclear Germany can do when America barks and his number one attack dog (might be the wrong animal that) Cameron twists arms.

    The Kremlin says Russia will take countermeasures if the U.S. places new nuclear weapons at a base in Germany.
    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov’s comments, reported Wednesday by Russian news agencies, came in response to a report by Germany’s ZDF television. The report said that preparation is underway by the U.S. to station B61-12 nuclear bombs at Buechel Air Base in Germany.

    I am not surprise they are trying to start the Cold War again, what does make me feel uncomfortable is that we may be on the wrong side this time.

  • Chris

    Mark, I think Germany’s anti nuclear stance is only connected to the power industry. In any case its disingenuous because Germany now imports power from Czech (russian design) nuclear power stations and from Austrian hydro electric which uses France’s nuclear stations overnight to refil its high (hydro) reservoirs.

    The fact that Merkel has agreed to nuclear equipped bombers stationed in Germany goes to show the power of the NSA. I wonder what secrets she wants to ‘keep’ secret? Joking aside she has no substantial armed forces and the US could close its bases at a moments notice. So she really has no choice.

    However, my point was that the UK pays for Trident as a deterrent. Against who? Ostensibly Russia but many analysts see the USA making the first strike. Russia has nothing to gain by destroying Europe. It sells most of the Gas to Germany and Eastern Europe. On the other hand, the large US corporates would love to extend their plundering from Ukraine into the vast resources of Russia.

    So Trident is pointless. However, whether or not the US did strike first having Trident would effectively paint a large bullseye on Coulport for the Russian (counter) attack.

    In my view, without Trident we would be safe from a Russian nuclear attack. One also has to question if Trident doesn’t have back doors in its control software to give Lockheed (and the US Gov) the final say. After all, via satellite links Boeing can override pilot control all of its fly by wire planes.So why not Trident too. For that matter what about the F35.

  • stephen


    I’m jealous that you’ve escaped the rat race and now doing something vital and heroic. I agree with your comments entirely. Have you read “Cultural Revolution:Culture War” by Dr Sean Gabb? I only discovered it by chance recently. His explanation of Remodelled Marxist theory of culural hegemony is very consistent with your views in this article.

    Keep up the good work!

    Stephen (Australia)

  • mark glen

    Chris, the UK wants Trident because its the only big stick we have left. Our Economy , Debts are a wreck , its the last Hurrah for meddling in World Affairs we have no right to be meddling in.Also Trident cant be used without US say so, so they are theirs really , we are in the front line as usual.Germany is Anti peaceful use of Nuclear , but also opposition for nuclear weapons.

    “We reject a modernization of the nuclear weapons, because otherwise these bombs will be around here for along time,” said Roland Blach from an anti-nuclear weapons network.

    U.S. plans to store heavy arms in Baltic, Eastern Europe – reuters.

    Nato must deploy weapons in eastern Europe to combat Russian threat, says David Cameron

    I mean what are they trying to do,risk war destabilise everything just because he wont fall into line with their Neo liberal Politics. Who has sanctioned this aggression .Has it been debated in our Governments or can they just go warmongering as and when they want? As for Ukraine , it was the West that toppled a legitimate democratically elected Government whether they liked it or not.Talking about the F35 from what I can gather its over rated and vastly expensive, but the American Defence Companies are very powerful entities , even Eisenhower said that in the 50,s .

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