
July 2024

The ultimate taboo – are some races much more intelligent than others?

Today I’ll touch on a subject no journalist or media ‘expert’ would ever dare cover as they’d immediately be accused of “waaaccciiisssmmm” and be hounded out of their jobs. And how would they then pay their mortgages and send their brats to private school?

However, having just been in China, I did start to wonder how (with virtually no foreign aid) China had pulled 600 million people out of poverty in the last 40 years, while those idiots in Africa had (despite $20bn a year in foreign aid) managed to plunge about 600 million people into poverty over the same period.

So, I’m grateful to a reader for making me aware of an academic study published around 15 years ago (before the rise of political correctness) titled “Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations”.

In 2000, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan took the politically-correct position that intelligence “is one commodity equally distributed among the world’s people”. However, the article’s authors studied IQ levels of 60 countries and their rate of development from 1945 to 1998 and found a strong correlation between national intelligence levels and economic success.

In summary, the authors propose that the average intelligence level of North-East Asians is about 105, for Western Europeans and the USA it’s about 100, for M*sl*m countries around 83 and for Sub-Saharan Africa it’s a frightening 70 – massively below most other parts of the world

IQ levels by race

You won’t find any news media keen to report this.

Of course, some people would rubbish the findings by claiming that the education systems in some countries make their people more likely to do well in IQ tests and therefore it would be wrong to suggest that intelligence is not evenly distributed.

However, there have been other explanations put forward for differences in IQ: perhaps climatic conditions meant that those peoples who moved further away from Africa towards colder climates had to use more ingenuity to survive in more hostile environments. Others have suggested cultural reasons, for example that the Protestant work ethic led to more rapid development and thus increases in IQ than the more corrupt, less entrepreneurial Catholic culture. And my personal belief is that the extraordinary complexity of some Asian languages – especially Chinese and Japanese – has meant that children’s brains develop faster than those of Europeans or Africans.

There were some anomalies in the study – countries like China, Russia and those in Eastern Europe. However, as soon as these countries broke free of communist and socialist political oppression, they all developed rapidly thus reinforcing the basic theory that national intelligence and economic development are strongly linked.

I also suspect that both high and low intelligence levels are self-reinforcing. So, the more intelligent a people are the faster they develop, the more educated they become and this in turn contributes to increasing intelligence levels. On the other hand, as most African countries have so excellently demonstrated – the lower the intelligence level, the more likely the people are to indulge in tribal wars, the less likely they are to educate and develop their people and the more likely it is that intelligence levels will decline.

You may or may not choose to accept the study’s findings. But it’s a pity that due to political correctness, nobody nowadays dares even mention that there may be differences in intelligence between countries and races and that these may account for some of the differences in economic success and why some countries will always be hell-hole, excrement-covered, poverty-stricken failed states.

8 comments to The ultimate taboo – are some races much more intelligent than others?

  • right_writes

    And tomorrow…

    …Phrenology. 🙂

  • MGJ

    The subject is indeed interesting and of course ruthlessly censored. Similar huge differences exist within a country, eg within America it goes roughly African Americans, whites, Asians then Jews at the top. Why? We’ll never know as the only permitted explanation is white privilege, even though it rather obviously fails to fit the facts.
    As so often happens with morally superior do-gooders, their ‘solutions’ just entrench and worsen the problem. Without being allowed to understand the cause – and scarcely anybody seriously believes it is fundamentally genetic or racial- no solution is ever since likely to be found.

  • david brown

    These figures are averages which is not the whole picture. A drawing of the average between Laurel and Hardy would not represent either. Jews win a high percentage of Nobel prizes in the field of science. As they have a higher number of highly intelligent people. Some countries have much higher numbers of less intelligent people than do other countries and function less well as a consequence.
    The PC police in England allow people to say that Polish people have a work ethic or Indians are good at maths but say we are importing Somalian drug gangs is against the rules.

  • david martins

    A simple measure of ability and intelligence is the race of those that have produced the most inventions and discoveries .No need for tests, evidence is there for all to see,End of Story.

  • david martins

    Jews ensure that there children have the bet education and also facilitate their success in adult hood through contacts within the Jewish networks, e.g. control of the media and certain areas of business where thy give their own advantage. GoldmanSach (leading Bankster Bank that has subverted World Finance and brought it to a precipice with their greed)for example most of today’s Western leaders have been brain washed there , latest addition is Australia’s new Prime Minister- Malcolm Turnbull.Mario Draghi, Mark Carney ,Lawrence Summers,Robert Rubin ,Henry Paulson,etc.

  • Howler monkey

    You trot out this sort of thing and expect people to respect your level of intellectual attain. If low intelligence is self-reinforcing then how long before they devolve back to apes? And does this mean that Europeans are especially thick? What with our love of tribal wars.

    “I also suspect that both high and low intelligence levels are self-reinforcing. So, the more intelligent a people are the faster they develop, the more educated they become and this in turn contributes to increasing intelligence levels. On the other hand, as most African countries have so excellently demonstrated – the lower the intelligence level, the more likely the people are to indulge in tribal wars, the less likely they are to educate and develop their people and the more likely it is that intelligence levels will decline.”

    “Of course, some people would rubbish the findings by claiming that the education systems in some countries make their people more likely to do well in IQ tests and therefore it would be wrong to suggest that intelligence is not evenly distributed”- another brilliant DC contradiction in the same article. I thonk I understand his thought process. Make something up – discuss his own idea – quote his idea on his crappy wee blog – then adopt his opinion as fact in his narrative.
    There are Plenty of studies which rubbish the IQ test itself, but if you dont DC my IQ is 142, so yoy cant be totally dismissive of my opinion. Can you now dumbass!

  • Quentin

    Let me propose an alternative: China has been at peace for 60 years; Africa has not.

  • chris denham

    This is an interesting area of science that should not be entirely ignored.

    It is clear that intelligence levels can improve, and it is therefore likely that “intelligent” rich will outperform “unintelligent” poor through both genetics and eduction.

    However, if this has been happening over the last 200 years, it is likely that much of the cause is environmental. It is also clear that much of the cause may be in the testing itself. Even a short visit to HK would inform you that its people love solving problems, and are excellent at Maths, all useful skills when doing an IQ test.

    It is also clear that just because an average sub-Saharan African may have a lower IQ, it does not mean that the Sub-Saharan African that you meet has an IQ that is lower than yours. Anyone who thinks that probably does have a low IQ!

    So while it cannot be used as a tool to judge, it may have some bearing as to why some populations do well as immigrants and some do not, and at least some attention should be paid to this as a reason for differences in incomes levels.

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